Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Charitable Warm and Fuzzies

As many of you know, I'm still struggling with the loss of my hair. I've gone past the anger phase, but at least once a week I find myself thinking, "if only I still had my long hair..." Despite this, I would not think twice about recommending that every woman (or daring man) I know do the same thing. Even if you only donate once it is such a worthwhile cause and when you get that postcard in the mail saving they've received your hair you really do feel warm and fuzzy. Well, at least I did. Whenever I feel down about my bare neck I remind myself that some little girl needed my hair much more than I did.

What's even more rad is that through my donation to Locks of Love (http://www.locksoflove.org/) I found out about another charity opportunity through Hotels Combined. And you don't even need to cut off 13 inches of your hair! All you have to do is give them a shout out on your blog, friend them on Facebook or mention them on your Twitter (although I am pretty opposed to Twitter, but if you're into it that's your choice). They'll donate either $5, $10 or $20 to WWF, Make a Wish or World Vision on your behalf and you get the warm and fuzzies for doing something you'd do anyway: waste your time on the interwebs. Check them out. It only takes a minute and it could do a world of good for someone else. Plus, who doesn't like to feel warm and fuzzy?

I recommend Hotels Combined and sent $20 to World Vision!

You can shout and help too.

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