Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Falling Behind

I'd say in general I am quite proud with my progress on these 26 resolutions I've made for myself. Don't believe me? Ok, well then let's review:

1. Saturday I donated a bag of clothes to Goodwill.
2. Sunday I bought oranges and yesterday I actually peeled and ate one on my own. Yes! It was a big day.
3. I'm currently booking my trip to San Francisco for late April/early May.
4. I have read BBC every day since my birthday (minus the weekends because nobody wants to read the news on the weekends).

I'm getting there, but I've also realized there are a few resolutions that have been entirely neglected. Like I have yet to pick up my journal since turning 26, which is actually quite out of character for me. I may have become a deadbeat journaler (yeah, that's right, I make up my own words) over the past couple of years, but I have always been good about writing about important events. I think all the pressure has gotten to me. Or perhaps it is all the blogging that has gotten in the way. Hard to say.

I have been just as bad about reading. I even gave myself a head start as I started reading Brick Lane last month. I haven't read a page in February. I'd like to blame this on my busy social calendar, but really I think it's just laziness. Foiled again!

I did take my reusable grocery bags to Fresh and Easy with me Sunday night, but that has been the extent of that. I feel bad because surely Mother Earth is crying over my forgetfulness. Clearly I just need to start carrying a bigger handbag in order to house my vast array of reusable shopping bags. Shhhh, with you're "Why don't you just leave them in your car" business. That would require far too much foresight.

So I soldier on in hopes that once I get myself organized (Resolution 26) things will just magically fall into place. I will instantly be able to check every resolution off of my list and live a happy, full and complete life. Oh, except Resolution 14 (go on a date), that's still last on my list of priorities.

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