I know it's early but I have been contemplating 2010's New Year's resolution quite intensely as of late. I'm not really a New Year's resolution maker, but I figured I'd give it a go next year since I have yet to find a better way to get my finances in order. It seems that recently I have been doing my best brainstorming on how to do so on the elliptical machine at my gym. It's strange because most of the time I do my best thinking on the toilet. I kid, I kid. Seriously, lighten up.
Sorry, I digress. To the point.
I have come up with several ideas and one important plan for staying inspired.
There are a two things that might seem frivolous to others that at this point I'm not willing to give up: my gym membership and cable. Justification? Well, there's no way I'd stay motivated to stay in shape without a gym and it also gives me a chance to get out of the apartment without spending a great deal of money. Going to the gym a minimum of 5 times a week costs me a grand total of $1.50 each time I go. I think that's reasonable. And as far as cable goes, frankly, I just like to be able to watch TV.
So, how exactly will I be saving money? Thus far here's what I've come up with:
1. Straight up stop using my credit cards. They're what is ruining my life. This is the first step, but will definitely be the most difficult to master. Hopefully the following will help.
2. Less trips to the grocery store and Target. I need to learn that I don't have to buy more of something until I am out of it, including food. I'll have a fridge half full and yet buy more because I don't feel like eating what I have already. I'm wasting money left and right by letting food go bad or just buying things I don't need. And I think we all know my weakness for Target. I'm absolutely going to have to go back to list only shopping.
3. Cut out the extras. I've already given up Starbucks but there are plenty of other frills that could go. Aside from shopping for clothes I don't need, I could also cut back on gifts (not stop giving them but stop giving expensive ones), make up (Sephora can no longer be my friend), things for my apartment (I really have everything I need), gas (I'm not sure about this one, but perhaps I could be riding my bike more - except maybe not until after winter) and there will undoubtedly be more to come.
4. For those of you who have enjoyed my previous blogs about fashion, keep your eye's peeled for the "No Re-wear Challenge". It's gonna be good.
Ok, it's a short list so far, but I know it will get longer.
How do I plan on sticking to it? It's simple, apply the same determination and discipline I put towards working out and being healthy to saving money. I am extremely proud of how well I've been able to stay in shape and stick to a routine, so in theory I should also be able to have a sense of pride about saving money. Well, here's hoping!
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