Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Portland Gym Culture

As an avid people watcher, I find the gym to be a pretty entertaining place. If you're really paying attention there is almost always something comical going on. In Arizona my gym was filled with ASU sorostitutes, douche bags and wanna-be muscle men. People were constantly on their phones and checking themselves out to make sure they were looking good in their name brand work out gear and baseball hats. It was utterly ridiculous. The gym was clearly someplace to be seen and I hadn't gotten the memo.

Such is not the case here in Portland. Instead the gym is filled with hippies, hipsters and relatively normal folks. My personal favorite it still the hipster girl on the eliptical in her skinny jeans and v-neck. But a close second is the long-haired ginger hippie in his Thai fisherman pants. I'm constantly surprised at the people that show up. Many of whom are wearing the trainers they probably wore to 5th grade gym class. This is not a judgement, but an interested statement. People here apparently go to the gym to work out. Crazy! They don't seem nearly as concerned with how they appear to their fellow gym goer and they get their stuff done.

Clearly a testament to the differences between people in Arizona and Portland. Clearly a little less entertaining.

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