Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer Sounds

This has been an interesting summer for me, to say the least, so I am trying to keep my music selection upbeat. I can be great affected by melancholy music, and I do my best to avoid it when it I sense it might do nothing but bring me down. Instead I have filled my ears with some rather rockin' and uplifting tunes over the past few months, and I thought I might share them with you lovely folks. I strongly recommend you check them all out as soon as humanly possible.

French Kicks Swimming

My friend, Mark, introduced me to these guys when I was in Austin this spring and I finally bought the album a few weeks ago. It has been on very heavy rotation ever since. It will not surprise many of you when I say I might have a wee bit of a crush on the lead singer.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs Show Your Bones and It's Blitz

I saw them twice this summer and I'm absolutely in love with Karen O. This is the exact music that is required for an impromptu dance party. I also imagine it would be excellent for dancing about in your underwear (I only imagine, not that I've actually done it). This is from one of the shows at The Marquee in Tempe (a venue I'll greatly miss), and is probably one of the greatest love songs of all time. I think I'd like to dance to it at my wedding (my imaginary one obviously).

Phoenix Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

I love all things French. Phoenix is no exception. This album is only $7.99 on iTunes so you should probably buy it now.

Passion Pit Manners

I saw these guys at Sasquatch and they were nothing short of a-mazing.

Kings of Leon Any album will suffice

I can't help it, I'm still way into these guys (and I don't just mean the lead singer, Caleb), and also saw them at Sasquatch. They're very "it" right now, but they've been big in the UK for years. Their music makes me reminisce about the "good old days", but still makes me very happy. It's also very good for dancing about. If you enjoy rock, especially southern rock, these are your guys.

Adele 19

An awesome English chic. Her album is great for feeling lovesick and empowered. She'll knock your socks off.

I'm of course throwing in some classics here and there, but mostly it's these albums over and over and over. Other than that I've been trying the old iPod on shuffle and finding new tunes every day. It's like opening a Cracker Jack box and waiting for the surprise. Ahhh, music makes me smile.

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