Host of a travel show My mate, Raf, and I have already discussed this one. We figure we're good looking and funny enough (and modest too) that people would love to watch us travel the planet, eating good food and sleeping in the finest hotels. We haven't officially decided what our schtick is going to be, but we're working on it. Check your local listings.
Fashion editor/writer/anything to do with fashion Sadly I feel I have discovered too late in life how much I love fashion. Even more sad is that I discovered that I do not have enough money to let this love flourish. Instead I spend my money and time on fashion magazines and blogs, hoping to one day be as trendy as hip as the ladies they feature. That way maybe I'll end up on Glamour's "Do List" or something similarly affirming. Fingers crossed!

Author/music journalist It's not a secret that I love music and I love musicians just as much. No amount of money is too much money to spend on albums and concerts, and if you're a music journalist you're gettin it all for free. Sweet! Plus, I secretly always wanted to be William Miller in Almost Famous. And I'd get to hang out with hip pretentious people on a regular basis. Double sweet!
Modern Day Martha Stewart I know she's still alive and kicking, but come on, does anyone younger than 40 actually buy into her deal? Don't get me wrong, I love her line of kitchenwares at Macy's, but that's about it. She's a little old fashioned for me; a little too country. I'd be like an urban, hip Martha that 20 and 30 somethings would love and adore. I'd be on Oprah and she would make me a regular guest, like Dr. Oz. The Obamas would invite me to their house for dinner and they too would be enchanted by me. Ok, maybe I'm getting a little carried away. Maybe I should keep sewing and cooking before I get ahead of myself.
College professor Sounds achievable, right? Except when you remember that in order to be a professor at any reputable university you have to have a PhD, which means about 4 more years of schooling after I finish the next 2 and a half. But molding young minds sounds like a good time. That and summers off. Plus, I love school. Seriously, love it. I love books, I love paper and pens and folders and binders. My best day ever is spent shopping for schools supplies. Oooooooh, loves it.
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