Sunday, August 2, 2009

Making Myself More Marketable as a Wife or You Can Just Call Me Martha

I've had a considerable amount of time on my hands since returning to Wisconsin for the summer 4 weeks ago. Where I would usually enjoy filling my days with shopping, lunching, brunching or cocktailing limited means and an even more limited number of friends left here have reduced those opportunities. Left to my own devices I am apparently working on becoming a mini-Martha Stewart.

It started with the cooking. I've known for quite some time now, but have only admitted to a select view, that I am actually a pretty decent (I'd even venture to say "good") cook. I know my way around the kitchen and actually enjoy reading cookbooks. Most disturbingly my favorite cookbooks are the healthy ones. Noticing that the meals here at Grandma's house were pretty limited (my uncle does most of the cooking now and after being a bachelor for 55 years his cooking skills haven't evolved much, but he tries really hard), I decided to step up to the plate and offered to cook a few dinners. After a week of playing housewife (my job is also to clean up all the dinner dishes and I usually busy myself with other little cleaning projects), I decided cooking a full meal every night (including desert) was maybe a little ambitious. Maybe we won't be cooking every day because really there's nothing wrong with frozen pizza every once and a while.

However, cooking is clearly the gateway drug of the domestic world because suddenly I was overcome with the desire to sew. I've attempted to pick up this activity several times before but have always been unsuccessful. I know how to fix a seam or a button so I always figured that was enough. Plus the patterns and fabrics never really enticed me. I even went so far as to give away my sewing machine to my sister figuring I'd never make use of it. But, lo and behold, I've gotten hooked and yesterday my dear Auntie Kar helped me complete my first project. Just a simple apron to go with my new image as mini-Martha.

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