For those of you who are not as enamored with this amazing meal option, let me fill you in a little bit on it's benefits (other than getting to sleep late and still get breakfast). In my mind there are two kinds of brunches. There's the nice brunch that you might have with your parents or on a weekday. This kind of brunch is usually at some place nice. Some place where you can expect to pay as much for brunch as you would for dinner. It involves a nice latte or some orange juice (maybe a mimosa if your parents are liberal) along with your pancakes. You would generally shower before this brunch and make yourself presentable. You'd probably even slap on some make-up.
The other kind of brunch is where you're gonna get some more bang for your buck; it's the hungover brunch. Now this kind of brunch is the one you have with friends (quite possibly the ones that woke up on your couch that morning). There's no need for dressing up and you're probably not gonna shower either. However, you might want to consider some make-up to go along with what's already left on your face. Seeing as though you were over served the night before you probably want to consider a bloody mary and something greasy. My personal favorite? The Brewer's Breakfast at Four Peaks. Marvelous.

whaaa?! im so confused at your nostalgia for arizona brunch. there are a cornucopia of places to brunch at in portland! let me know if i need to send you a detailed word file of recommendations!