When I went to the pound to find my own furry beast I picked out an adorable little 4 month old Pit Bull mix. They told me I'd have to leave her over the weekend to get spayed, but come Monday afternoon she'd be all mine. After an extraordinarily long weekend full of puppy preparations, I go to pick up my little bundle of joy. As I'm paying for her the woman says "Oh, yours is the 2 year old, right?".
"Excuse me? No, I think you've got that wrong", I assure her. She shows me a picture to confirm the dog she is referring to is in fact the same one I am here to adopt. "You better go back to the clinic".
I do as I am told and am informed that after further investigation my puppy is in fact a full grown dog (it turns out she was actually only a little over 1). "Do you still want her?"
"Um, of course, why wouldn't I?"
"Most people would say no."
"What would happen then?"
"Ummmmm..." I well up, take the leash and walk out the door.
Today I am grateful for that little malnourished, fake puppy, Hendrix Lilah Pooperstein Pertzsch.
Most people say, "Oh, good for you, you rescued that poor little dog". But the truth of the matter is that although I might have rescued her but she's the one that changed my life. Suddenly I have to think about something other than myself. I have to put something else first. Something that depended on me not only to feed it and take care of it, but to love it, unconditionally.

Now every day when I come home there is this happy ball of fur wagging her tail uncontrollably. If I'm real quiet as I turn the key in the lock I can avoid waking her up and catch a glimpse of the wrinkle face. If you have not had the pleasure of seeing this face, it will melt your heart. Accompanied with her booty dance it is unstoppable and sure to be a YouTube hit should I ever get it on film.
Bottom line, she's the raddest dog I know. People stop me on the street to tell me how adorable she is. I have a list at least 5 deep of people who have asked if they can have her if I ever need to give her away (including our vet in Tempe). She has won over many a non-dog person with her beauty and charm. She loves me more than anyone else (except maybe my mom) and for that she will be my co-pilot for life.
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