My Gram - I know I've told you before how awesome my Gram is, but I cannot emphasize her awesomeness enough. She is everything I aspire to be. She is the original tough chick. She not only bagged herself a super handsome man, but she ran a house while maintaining her own sense of self. She worked hard her entire life and although her body is now paying the price, she still keeps a smile on her face. She makes me want to be a stronger, better woman.
Me Mum - I'm fortunate that most of my life my mum and I have gotten along. There were a few tough years when I was a prepubescent, but nothing so severe that it damaged our relationship in any way. I am one of those weirdos who considers her mom to be one of her best friends. She is often the first person I want to call when someone extremely good or bad happens. I don't always take her advice but I always want to hear her opinion. Similar to my Gram, she has worked hard to get where she is today and although she isn't the original tough chick, she still is one.
My step-mom, Tami - It has to be said, my step-mom and I don't always see eye to eye. In many circumstances we are almost polar opposites. Despite this, I cannot help but admire her fortitude and conviction. She's a tough lady and she always sticks to her guns (even I don't always agree with where she's aiming).
My Auntie Kar - I don't tell her enough, but I really admire my dad's sister, Karen. In many ways, my life parallels hers. She put a great deal of focus on her education and spent a lot of years moving from one state to the next, going wherever the wind took her. The only "grown up" liberal in my family, she is my kindred spirit. She has shown me that it's OK to be single and follow your heart. It's OK to go against the majority and be your own person. She has taught me that even if I don't ever have children of my own I can still share my love and generosity; I can still be fulfilled.
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