I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for my dog. She's 100% spoiled and I do genuinely treat her like she is my child. I can't help it she's amazing. Knowing this has lead me to think that if I could find a man as awesome as Hendrix I might not be quite so angry. Well, I'd probably still be a little angry, but I might be willing to actually go on a date or at least give the guy my number. You laugh, but let me tell you about how rockin my dog is.
She has a ridiculous amount of personality. I'm sure others have said this about their dogs, but they are lying. Hendrix has them all beat! She's just really freaking funny. And she dances! Naturally it's a booty dance that involves walking around in a circle. All I have to do is shake my butt at her and she goes crazy. Don't worry, I have plans to video tape it and make it a You Tube hit. And don't even get my started on the wrinkle face (the vet says she's smiling)...you just have to see it to believe it.
She's loyal. Ignorant people are constantly taking smack about pit bulls but what they don't realize is that they are one of the most loyal breeds around. I adopted her from the pound where I was told she was a stray. Naturally, I was worried that she would be a runner, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. She does sometimes get curious and walk a little further out of the yard than I'd like, but she's never once tried to run away. One morning on our walk she was being a bit of a pill and got out of her collar. I freaked! But the brilliant dog that she is, she ran back to the yard and waited for me. She's knows who loves her, so why would she want to run away?
She's kind. Ok, this might be a bit of an exaggeration, but stay with me here. She has no problems with sharing her food, water or toys with other dogs. If you're having a rough day she gives you a hug. Well, maybe more you give her a hug, but she hugs back. I swear.
She's an amazing cuddler. I swore before I got a dog that I was not going to let it sleep with me. Beds are for people, blah, blah, blah. Then when I found out that my pit bull mix puppy was not actually a puppy (she was at least a year old when I adpoted her) and was full grown that all went out the window. The only way to accurate way to describe her is snuggle bug. I'm a side sleeper so most nights she girls herself in next to me, but when she's extremely tired there are time when she will sleep on top of me. I know it sounds ridiculous, but she's so warm that it's like a blanket (if you know me well you know I sleep with a lot of covers, even in the summer). And when I wake up in the morning she's all sleepy and warm, it's adorable. Ok, I'll stop before anyone decides it's time to commit me.

She's great with kids. I think all new dog owners, especially of pound dogs, are a little nervous the first time their dog comes into contact with a kid. You just never know how they are going to react, but Hendrix loves them. If someone is walking with a stroller she has to peer in as we're walking past. When we go for walks in the morning and see the kids on their way to school she gets so excited she pees (Sadly, once on a kid's book bag, oops).
She's so stinkin cute it hurts. She is undeniably a really cute dog. There really is no need to say more.
She likes to do the same things as me. Granted she doesn't really get a say in the matter, but she likes to hike and be outside. She also enjoys a good nap and having a lie in. Plus, she likes the same TV shows as me (she spends her days watching TLC and BBC America). What more could a girl ask for?
Does this sound like anyone you know? Probably not, so don't try to set me up with anyone unless he meets all of the above criteria.
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