Every year I struggle to come up with a New Year’s resolution. Partly because I know that the chances of me actually following through with one are ridiculously slim and also because I feel that another year on the calendar is not nearly as important as another year of my life. With that in mind, I usually opt to make a birthday resolution. Usually it is something small and manageable, but something that I feel will actually make a difference to my life for that year.
This year I’m aiming high! I’m combining this birthday resolution idea with my dream to someday write a blog that will make me famous and I came up with 26 Resolutions for My 26th Year. I’m not talking crazy famous, just maybe appearing on Oprah and signing a book deal. Heck, I’d even settle for some free stuff instead (I toyed with the idea of a fashion blog because a well-read one can get you some swag but there are just waaaaaay too many already).
Without any further ado, here is the list (stay with me folks, it’s kind of long):
Regularly keep up a blog about my resolution. This seems easy, but as some of you may already know this is my second attempt at blogging.
Be less angry and closed off. This one has shocked a lot of people but it’s actually a New Year’s resolution I’ve tried several years running. I put up a good front but really I’m quite cynical and angry. Mostly when it comes to relationships and dating, but also just people in general. I’m not often convinced that people are inherently good and I pretty much don’t trust anyone. Not good.
Get down to a size 8. Don’t get me wrong, I’m actually pretty happy with my body but I want to see if I have the commitment and self-control to get my butt into a single digit size pair of jeans. Plus, just once I’d like someone to say, “You’re looking a little thin”.
Properly train my dog, Hendrix. 90% of the time she is the sweetest dog you’ll ever meet, but the 10% of the time that she isn’t she’s a little terror.
Make my family a bigger priority. 6.
Start my masters. I’ve been putting it off for years, but I’m ready to actually start the rest of my life and getting my masters is a key component in that.
Be more financially responsible. Basically, I spend money like it’s going out of style. I have a closest FULL of shoes and clothes yet I still buy more. Yes, I do have a pretty fabulous wardrobe but this is not really helping me pay my bills.
Focus my chi by keeping my living space clean. In general I’m a pretty tidy person, but I have been known to let my room get a little out of control and this stresses me out. I always feel so much clearer and happier when my space is organized, so it just makes sense to keep it that way all of the time.
Travel to Asia. I have a few friends living there now and why not take advantage of a free place to stay?
Finish my back tattoo. This maybe goes against #7 and possibly #5, but it’s something I really want to do. Sorry, parental units!
Make a donation a month to Goodwill. This goes really well with #8 and I currently have 3 bags full and ready to go. The hardest part will actually just be getting myself to Goodwill.
Send one actual letter a month. What ever happened to the art of writing a letter? I’ve always loved writing letters and there’s no time like the present to start up again. Check your mailboxes, friends.
Read at least one book a month. Again, this is something I used to do all the time but have gotten out of the habit of. I have several at home waiting to be read, but I’m always open for suggestions.
Go on a date. I have to admit I’m only doing this to shut up my friends and mother, but I guess it is part of #2. Don’t be surprised if this one gets resolved last.
Read the newspaper or an internet news sources daily. Sadly, I’m more up on celebrity gossip than is necessary and this doesn’t really help increase my intelligence.
Donate my hair to Locks of Love. I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty in love with my hair. I’ve been growing it out for over 2 years and love having long hair, but it’s a great charity and hair grows back.
Run at least 1.5 miles four days a week. Hopefully this will help with #3.
Journal once a week. I’ve kept a journal since I was 10, but have not been very good at keeping up with it in recent years.
Go to San Francisco. I have at least half a dozen friends living up there that I’ve promised to visit at least half a dozen times.
Take a roadtrip longer than 3 hours each way. 21.
Find a new hobby. I’m very open to suggestions here.
Start eating oranges on my own. Definitely the most ridiculous, but very viable. As a kid my dad
always peeled my oranges for me and as an adult I’ve found that I just can’t be bothered to do it myself. Ridiculous.
Go to a movie by myself. I moved to a foreign country by myself at 19, but I can’t seem to bring myself to sit in a move theatre alone. Sad, but true.
Only use reusable or recycled shopping bags.25.
Visit at least 2 states I haven’t already. Growing up my parents were awesome about making sure we saw America. I’ve been to all but 13 states.
Come up with a 26th resolution. Who knows what could happen between now and February 1 of next year that might need resolving?