When I was younger I made some questionable decisions when it came to guys. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any regrets; every choice I made had an effect on who I am today, but no one ever accused me of going for nice guys. Yet, I wasn't one of those girls who went for the "bad boy" either. Instead I went for the charismatic guy, the one everyone wanted to be friends with, the life of the party.
This didn't really register with me until one day my mum pointed it out. Her words were simple, but they've stuck with me: "you keep going for guys like your brother when you should be looking for someone like your dad". This might seem harsh now, but my mum was not being unkind towards my brother. He's a great guy and an amazing father, but he wasn't always the man he is now. He used to be the guy everyone wanted to be friends with and the life of the party.
My dad, on the other hand, is the quintessential nice guy. He's the first to offer a helping hand to a neighbor or friend. He is the last to say an unkind word about anyone. Unsurprisingly, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who would say an unkind word about him. He cares endlessly for his family and friends. He is loyal and trustworthy and kind-hearted and gracious. More importantly, he's got a pretty fabulous sense of humor; mostly because he laughs at my jokes. He's smart and knows how to fix most anything. He also happens to be quite handsome. Truth be told, he's just like his dad, a stand-up man with an infectious laugh and a heart of gold. A man that it would seem you'd be hard pressed to find these days.
These days, when anyone asks why I'm still single I simply say, "they just don't make 'em like they used to".
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