Every time I listen to this song I cry (or at the very least get undeniably teary eyed). Without fail. Every mother loving time. As much as I like to pretend that Elton's "Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters" is my life theme song, I'm pretty sure this is actually it. Well, maybe if the two songs were combined to make one mega song like "Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding". Oh wait, I digress...
The bottom line is that I am so incredibly thankful for...
four spectacularly wonderful parents, including a mum who still kisses and hugs me like she did when I was 5, a dad who I admire more and more every day, and two step-parents who have patiently put up with all my shenanigans over the past 10+ years.
having perhaps the most fabulous big brother ever given to a little sister. Mostly I say this because he is funny as hell and I really like to laugh, but also because he is truly the only other person on the face of this planet who knows what it is exactly that I have been through.
every single day that I get to spend with my gram/every day that she is here with us.
step-siblings that I want to spend time with and get to know and "grow up" with.
being able to say I'm an auntie and watching my wonderful little nephews (and step-nephews and nieces) grow up into awesome little people.
friends! This includes, but is certainly not limited to, my Boy Bestie, my old friends, my new friends, those who have stuck with me as I have traversed this country and others, and those who have forgiven me probably more times than I deserve.
my family that are not bound to me by blood.
knowing that no matter where in the world I am I have friends and family who will always have my back.
the world's funniest, snuggliest, cutest, scrunchiest, most loveablest dog who is lying next to me snoring as I type.
being able to take time to pursue my dream...as practical as it may be.
my two strong, runner's legs.
my body agreeing to go along with all of the ridiculousness I put it through.
Lucy socks, Nike headbands and gloves, my iPod Shuffle and Body Glide.
coffee, yellow highlighters, and Dragonfly Cafe.
discovering I love peanut butter.
having a job and an internship and going to school and trying to maintain a social life and training for a marathon and keeping up on weekly calls to my parents and taking time for myself and walking the dog and...
all the experiences I have had (good and bad) that have ultimately made me who I am today; someone I truly love and feel deserves to be loved.
living this adventure I get to call my life.
Now either you were supposed to be thankful for 'lucky socks' or were they my socks?!! Lucy x