As part of my portfolio requirements for my master's program I have to complete 10 hours of therapy, which I am trying to take seriously. Number 1: I'm paying this woman a considerable amount of money to not and number 2: I will be the first to admit that I am not without my issues.
The point here though is not to go over these issues. There isn't enough blog space in the world for that. But my therapist did say something the other week that really resonated with me and I've been thinking about it ever since. Just sort of in passing she mentioned that it seems like I've hit the reset button on my life. At first I just agreed and didn't think much of it, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that is exactly what I've done.
I look back at a certain period of my life, let's just call it college, and I think, "how was I that girl?" Then I begrudgingly moved back to the US and spent 2 1/2 years in Phoenix trying to figure out who exactly I was if not that girl. I know I wasn't always a treat to be around for that period of time. I am sure that more than one person was turned off and turned away from my incessant "this isn't my life either" mentality, but it was all part of the process of getting me here. Of getting me to this point where I can say "it doesn't matter who I was but who I want to be" and reaching out and hitting that reset button.
I may not love Portland, but I love my life and I love who I have become, the best me I can be.
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