Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hurts So Good

Have you ever watched the end of an Ironman? You know when the athletes are falling all over the place and walking like zombies? I always find it really comical to watch. I know, I know, it's sick and mean and probably shows some kind of lack of self-esteem on my part. But come on, that stuff's funny!

Anyway, karma has a funny way of biting me on the bum and has done so this week. All my laughing at those intense and amazing athletes has come back to me in the form of my own little Ironman walk. Sunday I had my second appointment with Dan the Personal Training Man and he royally kicked my arse. I'm talking squats after squats after squats followed by some weights. Needless to say, I have not walked the same since.

Naturally I'm quite convinced that people are looking at me like I'm a lunatic or some kind of polio survivor. Or perhaps they are thinking "Wow, that girl must have rode that horse for a really long time". There is also the possibility that they assume I have injured myself in some obscure manor, but not one person has said a word about it. This leads me to believe that either a.) it really isn't as bad as I think or the more likely b.) people don't want to embarrass me or, more importantly, themselves by asking.

Not only can I hardly walk, but sitting is about the most excruciating activity imaginable. Every time I sit down at my desk I let out a silent cry of pain. I fear getting into the car and don't even get me started on the terror a trip to the bathroom instills. But in the end it will all be worth it to have smaller, cellulite-free thighs (this really is just wishful thinking, but the smaller part is true). When I'm slipping on my size 8 jeans I'll think, "Ha! How funny it was when I couldn't walk for 3 days, but look at how fabulous I am now!" Or at least that is what I tell myself when I get out of bed in the morning and fall straight to the ground because my legs are still so freaking sore!!

On a side note, I had planned on calling this entry "It Hurts When I Pee", but I didn't want to cause any offense. Except now I've said it anyway and have probably offended at least one of you. Sorry, my B!

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