I'm going to be honest with you, this economy can kiss me bum! It seems that everyone has had the genius idea to go back to school and with universities making budget cuts left and right something has to give. So what gives? Me! Today I had a very nice denied e-mail from Portland State. So sweet those Oregonians.
So now not only are all my eggs in a Portland basket, but that basket is now marked Lewis & Clark. If that falls through there are only two things left to do.
1. Become a raging alcoholic and just give up on pursuing my dreams (getting out of AZ and working towards a career in counseling).
2. Start looking elsewhere. I may make it back to London yet! Or at least a little closer...New York, I'm looking your way.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Enjoy the Silence
Sorry I haven't been as diligent as I should be. They're cracking down and monitoring our internet browsing at work, which unfortunately limits my opportunities to write. Foiled! I pinky swear I'll post something worthwhile, witty and wordy soon.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Budget Cuts

Like our government, most Fortune 500 companies and ASU I have decided to make some fairly drastic budget cuts for 2009 (at least until further notice). There are certain things I am not willing to live without so in order to have those I have to give up a few other things. Here are the areas that will be hit:
1. "Literary" entertainment. No more magazines! I spend around $25 a month on magazines, sometimes more if I'm traveling. I'm not saying I'm not going to buy one every once and a while, but there is certainly no need to buy one or more a week. At $4 a pop, it's almost as expensive as smoking. And I get nothing out of it other than useless celebrity gossip and more motivation to shop.
2. Shopping. No new, old, used, thrifted or E-bayed clothes, shoes, or accessories. Although I will gladly accept gifts and hand-me-downs. :)
3. "Liquid" entertainment. This is where the two drink limit comes in. I know I've gone in to this before, but I'm cementing in here. Week three and going strong!
4. "Edible" entertainment. I eat out way too much. It's the easiest way to see friends and relatively speaking it can be inexpensive, except when you're going out at least 5 times a week. That adds up fast and hits the wallet quick. This will certainly be the hardest cut to make, so I'm still contemplating the stipulations. I'm thinking no more than 3 times a week. Hey, that's like a 50% cut!
5. Beauty products. I have a problem when it comes to the beauty aisle at Target. If you look in my shower right now you'll find 2 different kinds of body wash, 2 kinds of shampoo, 3 kinds of conditioner, body scrub, 2 kinds of face wash and 2 types of shaving cream. Ridiculous! This is so beyond necessary and incredibly expensive. More than that I have enough hair products to stock a salon.
6. Target entertainment. No more needless Target purchases. That place is my cryptonite! I can easily drop $50 going in for Q-tips. Here's the rule: I can only go when I need something and I can only buy what I have on my list. If it's not on the list then it's not in my basket.
7. Pet supplies. Hendrix is crazy spoiled! She has more toys than some toddlers. She absolutely does not need them all. She can only play with one at a time and she most certainly cannot tell the difference between any of them. On top of that she has a live in playmate to entertain her. And really, those things are about $10 each. That means there's at least $100 dollars in dirty, slobbery dog toys hanging around my house.
So there you have, the 2009 Kelly Marie Pertzsch budget cuts.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Hurts So Good

Have you ever watched the end of an Ironman? You know when the athletes are falling all over the place and walking like zombies? I always find it really comical to watch. I know, I know, it's sick and mean and probably shows some kind of lack of self-esteem on my part. But come on, that stuff's funny!
Anyway, karma has a funny way of biting me on the bum and has done so this week. All my laughing at those intense and amazing athletes has come back to me in the form of my own little Ironman walk. Sunday I had my second appointment with Dan the Personal Training Man and he royally kicked my arse. I'm talking squats after squats after squats followed by some weights. Needless to say, I have not walked the same since.
Naturally I'm quite convinced that people are looking at me like I'm a lunatic or some kind of polio survivor. Or perhaps they are thinking "Wow, that girl must have rode that horse for a really long time". There is also the possibility that they assume I have injured myself in some obscure manor, but not one person has said a word about it. This leads me to believe that either a.) it really isn't as bad as I think or the more likely b.) people don't want to embarrass me or, more importantly, themselves by asking.
Not only can I hardly walk, but sitting is about the most excruciating activity imaginable. Every time I sit down at my desk I let out a silent cry of pain. I fear getting into the car and don't even get me started on the terror a trip to the bathroom instills. But in the end it will all be worth it to have smaller, cellulite-free thighs (this really is just wishful thinking, but the smaller part is true). When I'm slipping on my size 8 jeans I'll think, "Ha! How funny it was when I couldn't walk for 3 days, but look at how fabulous I am now!" Or at least that is what I tell myself when I get out of bed in the morning and fall straight to the ground because my legs are still so freaking sore!!
On a side note, I had planned on calling this entry "It Hurts When I Pee", but I didn't want to cause any offense. Except now I've said it anyway and have probably offended at least one of you. Sorry, my B!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sunday, Cookday
I'm starting to realize I should have made a resolution that involved cooking because I could actually be keeping that one.
I've never been one for cooking as I much prefer to have someone cook for me. This is a trait I picked up from my mother who managed to marry not one, but two men who did the majority of the cooking. Now, she can cook and actually is quite good at it, but she chooses not to. I like this approach. However, when you're single and living with two girls who don't cook either maintaining this lifestyle can be a bit difficult. On top of that, I am sticking to a pretty strict healthy regimen these days and there are really only so many salads I can eat.

Last Sunday I had a hankering for some homemade chili so I went out to Target and bought myself a crockpot (chili is always best from a crockpot). I called my dad to get his recipe but then at the grocery store decided to make a healthy version (turkey instead of beef and organic beans). It was a hit! I was quite pleased with myself and decided to have another go this Sunday.

Today I tried Shepherd's Pie, something I am always missing from England. Again, I decided to go the healthy route with turkey instead of beef and skipping all the sauces. Not so lucky this time around, but definitely edible if not a bit bland. Next time (and there definitely will be one) I'll have to try another recipe.
I'm sticking to easy (and preferably low fat) recipes for now, but if you have any suggestions send them my way. Who knows, maybe I'll learn to like cooking after all.
I've never been one for cooking as I much prefer to have someone cook for me. This is a trait I picked up from my mother who managed to marry not one, but two men who did the majority of the cooking. Now, she can cook and actually is quite good at it, but she chooses not to. I like this approach. However, when you're single and living with two girls who don't cook either maintaining this lifestyle can be a bit difficult. On top of that, I am sticking to a pretty strict healthy regimen these days and there are really only so many salads I can eat.
Last Sunday I had a hankering for some homemade chili so I went out to Target and bought myself a crockpot (chili is always best from a crockpot). I called my dad to get his recipe but then at the grocery store decided to make a healthy version (turkey instead of beef and organic beans). It was a hit! I was quite pleased with myself and decided to have another go this Sunday.
Today I tried Shepherd's Pie, something I am always missing from England. Again, I decided to go the healthy route with turkey instead of beef and skipping all the sauces. Not so lucky this time around, but definitely edible if not a bit bland. Next time (and there definitely will be one) I'll have to try another recipe.
I'm sticking to easy (and preferably low fat) recipes for now, but if you have any suggestions send them my way. Who knows, maybe I'll learn to like cooking after all.
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